BonVivant's picture
Apr 04, 2013
Reputation: 79

tables view

i cant configure the background image, i cant configure the tables either, emre you change all the structure, im going crezy traing to configure the new samba!!! do you have any documentation!?

2 answers

ericrevollo's picture
Apr 06, 2013
Reputation: 12

I've been working with tables and it seems it isn't finished yet, remember it's a beta version :). the "desing mode" doesn't work all tables disapear

emreeren's picture
Apr 08, 2013
Reputation: 595

Background issue will be solved on next update. Thank you for reporting it.

Custom display changed a little bit. You can add Entity Button Widget and configure its properties. When this widget first added you may not see it but if you draw a circle selector you'll find it. On future versions I'll present them better.

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