ggsnpdsn's picture
Jan 29, 2014
Reputation: 35

There is 4 question,Did not understand

1.Settings -> Printers -> Add Printer,When the custom printer will be used?

2.Settings -> Printers -> Add Printer, in Printer Share Name / Port Name field,Why isn't there COM?There are only:microsoft xps document writer,Adobe PDF,Fax,Send to oneNote 2010.OS is WIN7

3.Settings -> Printer Templates -> Add Printer Template,On the right side, the ticket value tags of help document,What is the difference between "TOTAL TEXT" and "TOTALTEXT".

4. the same place with 3,the entity value tags part,Are "{ENTITY STATE:X}} Entity State:X}" and "{ENTITY STATE QUANTITY:X}} Entity State Quantity:X}" bugs ,'}' and '{'don't match?

1 answers

emreeren's picture
Jan 31, 2014
Reputation: 595
  1. There are different uses. For example
  2. We don't enumarate COM ports. You can type it manually.
  3. The latter prints as a single word. For example ONEHUNDREDFIFTYFIVE. In some countries this format is used.
  4. This is a documentation error. Use single } . That will be fixed on next updates.
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