Comandante_J's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 13

Portions Menu

Hi, i'm trying to configure the POS screen so that when you select a product with various portions (ej., Half, Full, etc...), a menu prompt or options menu shows automatically without having to tap on the product in the order list.

I want it like that because when working fast, sometimes i would forget about changing the portion, and it can be very annoying.


Can anybody explain to me how to do that? i'm in V3.035

Thanks in advance.

2 answers

JohnSCS's picture
best answer
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 271

That is called "Auto Select" and is in the Menu. Select the category and click Edit Product Properties. 

Comandante_J's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 13

Well, that was easy LOL.

I started reading about it and came by something related to "Order Tags", but i'm to unexperienced to mess with that at this point.

I didn't test that option because i assumed, by its name, that it was related to something more complicated.

It worked like a charm, thanks John.

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