Hi and thanks for this everyday better sambapos.
In v.2 There was "Gift Reason" do you want to implement it?
Also when edit product in menù was possible to select automatic gift, do you want to implement it?
Thanks bye
You can enter reasons to Values Section on related Automation Command.
Yea... reason work...
But how to make automatic gift for a specific product.
For example bread for us is free, i want to make it automatic free when i order it, in v.2 it was possible.
Hello Emreeren there any example, I tried and nothing could
any news for automatic gift for some product?
4 answers
You can enter reasons to Values Section on related Automation Command.
Yea... reason work...
But how to make automatic gift for a specific product.
For example bread for us is free, i want to make it automatic free when i order it, in v.2 it was possible.
Hello Emreeren there any example, I tried and nothing could
any news for automatic gift for some product?