BonVivant's picture
Aug 13, 2013
Reputation: 79

Inventory Issues

i started with a clean transactions database since 10th, i charged the existing inventory in the first end of the day record, during this tree days i charged all the sales and purchases, but in the warehouse i only see the consumtios of today, but the inventory it is 0, what iam doing wrong?

11 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 13, 2013
Reputation: 271

Consumption in Main Menu->Warehouses is only for the current Work Period. You need to End & Start a new Work Period for the Warehouse In Stock levels to update.

Are your Recipes linked properly?

You may need to provide some more detail on the issue.

yes everythig its linked properly, i opend and closed two periods in the first day to fit the inventory, in the next day period apeared in stock, everithing ok, but in the next  period everithing in stok was desappeard, if you want i send you my database

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 13, 2013
Reputation: 271

Are you making manual stock adjustments at End Of Day?



JohnSCS's picture
Aug 14, 2013
Reputation: 271

Did the issues start before or after your manual stock adjustments?

When i did the firs adjustmen i saw in the warehouse, but in the next days y didnt, i can see every adjust an documents in the database but sre not impact in the warehouse

emreeren's picture
Aug 14, 2013
Reputation: 595

Is there any missing end of day documents?

i rhink ot not, could be one, but im not shure

BonVivant's picture
Aug 14, 2013
Reputation: 79

How can i know it for sure?

emreeren's picture
Aug 14, 2013
Reputation: 595

Navigate to Management > Inventory > End of Day Records and check if periods matches.

ok, there is one missing, what can i do?

emreeren's picture
Aug 15, 2013
Reputation: 595

First of all you can help us to find the reason of the missing item. Did you ever noticed an error message during work period end? For example that can be an error generated by actions running on work period end. If you have an idea about that please let us know.

The only solution is modifying latest end of day record with your actual numbers.

no messege, no nothing, when that happend in v2 was because it never finish to close the program, i try to left it one day to another and anything happend, i sopouse that is because a missing recipies, so you say that i have to do the inventory again an charge it in the last end of day, but i already miss the information about consumtions spend and new inventory!?

emreeren's picture
Aug 15, 2013
Reputation: 595

Ok. I'll check if it is possible to regenerate missing data but keep in mind we are still in beta testing and there is a small chance of loosing data and start from the beginning.

Can you send me the error log file?

i complitly understand an d i accept the risk because your soft  is amazing and i m glad to help you what ever i can, so if you can fix it great but if you dont ok course its ok too, i will send you the database abain because it dont send me any messege 

PS what happend with the project to contribute with money? you already have a pay pal?

emreeren's picture
Aug 15, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello. While working on your database I've noticed you have some duplicate products in your database. Their character casing are different but same products. For example  Provoleta vs. PROVOLETA. SambaPOS normally does not permits that but it seems you accidentally found a bug that permits you to create duplicate items. Please let us know if you have an idea about how it happens.

This is the main reason of your issues with inventory. You can't create recipes when there are duplicate products and since these products used as order tag products, that prevents SambaPOS from generating inventory records. If possible I suggest you to clear all transactions, delete duplicate products, fix related recipes and start from scratch.

During today I tried to find a way to regenerate missing records but that was harder than I thought at the begging. For example while there are duplicate products and missing recipes fix won't be possible. So instead of regeneration I've improved work period ending procedure to abort if something unexpected happens on inventory. That means there won't be missing end of day record issue anymore.

I want to thank you to help us on improving SambaPOS by reporting your issues in detail.

ok, i found that duplicated items when i fix all the recipies missing i think it was because the duplicate Items was created in capital leter an non capital letter, if you think that now (with the fixed database) you can make it working out, i will send you again, if is not, i will start again from the beginig, thanks again for everithing

emreeren's picture
Aug 16, 2013
Reputation: 595

I've merged your last three work peridos to one from database and generated latest inventory levels. If it seems fine you can add missing tickets and continue from there.

However I strongly recommend you to clear transactional data and start from the beginning. Your past transactions still might have issues. You can refer the database I've sent to update your inventory manually.

By clearing transactional data I mean you'll only clear tickets, inventory transactions, etc. Your recipes, products, menus and all configuration data will remain. You can find more info about it here

emreeren's picture
Aug 16, 2013
Reputation: 595

I've e-mailed your database.


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