How to Inventory everyday goods Purchase quantity, sales quantity , quantity of remaining,Check the sales plus remaining is equal to purchase?How to do this?
Hello guys
Hello !
I have had some problems setting up the Inventory for the bar drinks, can you guide me through one example, say any beer. For it to work, does a bottle of beer have to be a recipe?
I'm trying to manage the stock.
If I buy 4 Pack of coca cola (4x24=96piece) and if I sell 2 piece of cola then the Warehouse display that:
I have tried to understand the stock (inventory) in its simple form, but have not gotten. example:
1 - What do I do first?
2 - How do I reset the stock (inventory)?
i started with a clean transactions database since 10th, i charged the existing inventory in the first end of the day record, during this tree days i charged all the sales and purchases, but in the
How can we set the cost per product (and we have over 1,000) along with inventory.
There is any script to turn the inventory to cere like the transactions script?