sukasem's picture
Sep 07, 2013
Reputation: 59

Windows Printer wont recognize ESC command

Hi there,

I try to print using Windows Printer to print UTF-8 unicode chaacters but it won't process any ESC code (in template I have <XCT>28,112,1,0 which work if I set to Ticket Printer) and even by pass Start document command set in Windows driver. Start command works if I print from notepad.

I'm using TM-T88III but it's English model so I have to print in graphic mode only. I guess why change codepage setting doesn't work. I try different type of printer from drop down list and change codepage but only Windows Printer works.

Ticket Printer -> ESC code work but wrong characters
Text Printer -> Print 1 letter per line

And another problem with Thai character, it won't align properly with charactor count method since some Thai characters place on top or bottom of previous character so, one character witdth can be 3 characters.

Thank you,


6 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 07, 2013
Reputation: 271

The printer you have is a thermal printer. You should use 'Ticket Printer' as the printer type to be able to use it properly. 

The 'Windows Printer' type is for laser and inkjet printers. 

Then change the character set from 857 which is Turkish to whatever your language is. Google 'code page wiki' for a list of Character Sets. Yours should be 874 for Thai. 

Hi John,

It won't work. I did try that (Thai 874 and also UTF8 65001). I think the printer have to be Thai model in order to have 874 codepage. From the spec, it sound like they have al codepage support but have to specify when order, kindof false advertise. In the some ESC code command say Thai model only.

BTW, anyone know if any Thermal & Impact printer that have all codepage.

Thank you for quick reply,


JohnSCS's picture
Sep 07, 2013
Reputation: 271

Does the printer work with the default setup of SambaPOS and language set to English?

Go to the Epson website and see your here is updated software/firmware for your printer to support Thai. You can't be the only person having this issue. 

Hi John,

I can't find any firmware update on or

Could you post the link please?

Thank you,


emreeren's picture
Sep 07, 2013
Reputation: 595

Try a firmware upgrade if possible. Using it in text mode have lots of benefits. If really not possible you can try another idea.

Configure two printers for the same printer. Name one of them as "x printer graphic mode" and the other one as "x printer text mode". Graphic mode printer will be windows printer and the other one is Ticket Printer. Use two "execute print job" actions. Use one of them to send printouts and the other one to send commands.

I hope it works.

Hi Emre,

You are genius. I get an idea but I have it figure it out how to send command thru ticket printer follow by windows printer.

Thank you,


sukasem's picture
Sep 07, 2013
Reputation: 59

After extensive research on the net, came across this blog which is confirm that it need to be special model/firmware on the printer in order to print out in native mode.

I did try install South Asia driver version but no luck.   

Shreekanth's picture
Apr 17, 2014
Reputation: 3

I am having Tvs msp 240 star printer of 9 wire 80 coloumn. shel we use this printer for printing bill (this printer is dotmatrix)

Shreekanth's picture
Apr 17, 2014
Reputation: 3

Where we can add name of hotel in ticket printer. Sir please show with some screen shots to better understand for me 

Thank you

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