sukasem's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 59

Variable names that can be use in Automation?

It would be great if we have the list of variable that can be used to create automation and what syntax to enter ie. do they need : , [ ] , { }.

I try to get total discount from order tag (50% OFF by order tag tutorial) by using Update Ticket Calcution but it doesn't work, it won't add up.  BTW, if it can have discount choices by order tag, it would be perfect. Like when click discount button on the left column and it show more choices (Item discount by amount, by % or total ticket discount all in one place) on the right area of the screen where menu item buttons are. 

4 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 271

Are you trying to discount items or the whole ticket?

sukasem's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 59

The item discount by order tag.  There is a tutorial by Emre but Total discount will not show that amount.

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 10, 2013
Reputation: 271

That tutorial modifies the item price so the discount amount is not tracked. 

You will need to add each discount to a variable and use it on your tickets. 

To show RRP and discounted price on receipt, I use {TOTAL} for the item. Then under [ORDER TAGS] I use {PRICE}. So when an item is discounted using Order Tag it prints the original price as well. 

sukasem's picture
Sep 10, 2013
Reputation: 59

How can we refer to {Total Discount} variable from the printer template in Automation?

I try to declare new variable (TDiscount) by Ticket Tag but again, I don't know how to add them up together. I only see action to update ticket tag which it's only update to last discount amount.

I think the real problem is I don't know how to use the syntax and variable name in Automation Form.

Sorry for the late reply, work has been hectic. 

Look at the last tip here

you need to set the Ticket Tag to zero on create ticket, then update the Ticket Tag as each item is discounted by using F & TN calculations. Basically the following

Ticket Tag = Ticket Tag + Discount

[=F(TN('{TDISCOUNT}') + TN('discount amount'))]

I don't have my laptop with me to test properly, so my answer is a little vague. 

I hope this helps. 

Hi John,

That format is for Printer Template, not for Automation. I still have no clue what variable name is available IN AUTOMATION. You can see even that order tag discount tutorial who could figure it out Order.Model.GetVisiblePrice() lol. But I think it is not gonna work because there will be an issue when order/order tag is removed. Discount can be removed by click the same discount button again.


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