1 answer


I want to use account tags to create multi level accounts but I couldn't. when I type any new tag her  "accounts ===> account type"  then save the tags disappeared.


M. Elnaqash's picture
asked on May 23, 2016 and it has 2811 views.
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Hi  I'm using V3  with SQl  and I'm getting this error masseges
the type initializer for 'Samba.infrastructure.setting.local' threw an exception.
any one can help .

shadi's picture
asked on May 21, 2016 and it has 3126 views.
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2 answers

We have a cash register connected with sambapos. We pass it a txr file withe the amount of the ticket and then we obtain a invoice from the cash register. We have a problem with mixed payment. 

trevibo's picture
asked on Apr 24, 2016 and it has 4698 views.
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After the below modification on v3 the report.accttransvalues gets called only once for default work period, incase i need to view last fridays report it still displays the paymens of the current w

Gomesh's picture
asked on May 02, 2016 and it has 1989 views.
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3 answers


Mehmet bey merhaba,

ayhanyazici's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2016 and it has 8285 views.
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1 answers

Hi all.


does sambapos v3 support pole display?


CroxtonFishBar's picture
asked on Apr 17, 2016 and it has 2047 views.
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haithem_pro's picture
asked on Apr 13, 2016 and it has 1843 views.
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first of all - Thank you for your great work and support.

schenabua's picture
asked on Apr 10, 2016 and it has 2133 views.
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0 answers

Hi There,

thecrazyprof's picture
asked on Apr 08, 2016 and it has 1756 views.
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2 answers



i have downloaded the program, put in the items and menu and tested it with some fake transactions.

kkabbara@gmail.com's picture
asked on Mar 14, 2016 and it has 5111 views.
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