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how can i have, two pos using sambapos, if someone is booked at table on one pos reflects on the 2nd pos to make it unavailable?

xneel's picture
asked on Apr 25, 2014 and it has 2168 views.
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when trying to settle a ticket i am getting an error message that says "exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" what does this mean? Help...

Renee's picture
asked on Apr 29, 2014 and it has 3021 views.
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I changed a setting not sure which and now cant settle opened tickets. Which setting is it most likely that i changed?

Renee's picture
asked on Apr 29, 2014 and it has 2567 views.
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Best Regards

What version NETFramework  uses  SambaPOS ?

Some document where mentioned versions of components and Lib. used in



JeanKarlo's picture
asked on Apr 28, 2014 and it has 1986 views.
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I have settled a ticket. After settling that ticket want to refund. During the refund the settled ticket is never changed.

riyas.k13's picture
asked on Apr 24, 2014 and it has 2148 views.
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let me start off by saying thank you to all the guys that work on this great software

i just start it to play with Version 3

indypctech's picture
asked on Apr 23, 2014 and it has 2106 views.
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I am having dot matrix printer of make tvs MSP 240 STAR of 9 wire 80 coloumns 

now  my question is. Is it suitable for samba pos ?


Shreekanth's picture
asked on Apr 17, 2014 and it has 2038 views.
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6 answers

Hi there,

sukasem's picture
asked on Sep 07, 2013 and it has 11179 views.
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2 answers

Hi guys ! I have a pc pos TYSSO POSPARK 5717 and i dont find a XCT code that work for me! I have look many search on internet but i dont find it.

lele8585's picture
asked on Apr 11, 2014 and it has 5764 views.
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Using Simba V3, I dont want to print ticket I just want to print Total bill, Please guide

saqib's picture
asked on Apr 11, 2014 and it has 2167 views.
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