0 answers

Using Simba V3, I dont want to print ticket I just want to print Total bill, Please guide

saqib's picture
asked on Apr 11, 2014 and it has 2176 views.
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My requirement is to show reduced sell than real sell on end of day event. It should auto manage reduced quantity of orders in tickets.

ronit's picture
asked on Apr 10, 2014 and it has 2337 views.
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3 answers

I setup 2  ticket type printer:

one is used to print payment bill in bar,another is used to print order tiket in  kitchen,both are working well.

ggsnpdsn's picture
asked on Apr 06, 2014 and it has 9015 views.
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1 answer

Hi all, i've been trying to configure SambaPOS for some time now, and i'm happy to say that it's basically ready to go, but i have a bit of a problem that i cant resolve:

Comandante_J's picture
asked on Apr 04, 2014 and it has 6136 views.
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2 answers

My printer is use 57mm paper(width),ticket printed like this:

???????ticket?????????????(Why is there a lot of "?",template is:<T>ticket )

date:2014/4/3 time :20:20

ggsnpdsn's picture
asked on Apr 03, 2014 and it has 6925 views.
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2 answers

Hi all, yet again, i'm in need of your help guys...

Comandante_J's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2014 and it has 4756 views.
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6 answers

This has been interesting and I cannot seem to get past this - 

Had SambaPOS V2 - it crashed - - tried all I could - UNINSATLLED and removed all residual


treehousebar's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2014 and it has 12151 views.
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2 answers

Hi, i'm trying to configure the POS screen so that when you select a product with various portions (ej., Half, Full, etc...), a menu prompt or options menu shows automatically without having to tap

Comandante_J's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2014 and it has 5079 views.
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0 answers

My version crashed yesterday - SambaPOSV2  - - after much aggravation - I deleted all files and program to the computer - - I then downloaded the program - and tried to open - I received this messa

treehousebar's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2014 and it has 2350 views.
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1 answers

My previous version crashed on my ysterday in th middle of a busy night - -


After much aggravation I deleted all files - the sales records are recorded into Q B so not needed.

treehousebar's picture
asked on Apr 02, 2014 and it has 2300 views.
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