1 answer

There are always some customers distinctive taste,for example:Less salt, less pepper, a little less onion, more pepper,more olive oil and so on。

ggsnpdsn's picture
asked on Feb 07, 2014 and it has 2618 views.
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1 answers

I create 2 customers with account,but in customer search screen,the "no customer" button is  not  light up

ggsnpdsn's picture
asked on Feb 07, 2014 and it has 6792 views.
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0 answers

is there any way to Display Additional Report in Work Period Report 

may i see Sales Report for particular One Day.

manish.dubey@ibntech.com's picture
asked on Feb 07, 2014 and it has 2162 views.
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2 answers

gives me "information" message:

something containing non-negative and totalwidth 

mayase's picture
asked on Feb 06, 2014 and it has 8112 views.
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4 answers

Hi there

outback's picture
asked on Feb 06, 2014 and it has 7041 views.
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3 answers

 Hi guys !!

 First of all great job with SambaPOS!!! Teşekkür ederim!!

Aksel's picture
asked on Feb 05, 2014 and it has 27798 views.
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3 answers

Hi I am using SambaPOS 2 and created 2 departments 1) Restaurant 2) Delivery

mughalschopstix's picture
asked on Feb 05, 2014 and it has 11252 views.
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2 answers

Hi All,

dannofthursday's picture
asked on Feb 04, 2014 and it has 8021 views.
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0 answers

1- I have 3 Departments, - Tesu ( for Food only),  flamez (drinks only), ODC ( for all) with their seperate Ticket types.

manish.dubey@ibntech.com's picture
asked on Feb 01, 2014 and it has 2595 views.
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7 answers

Hi Emre

i had the weirdest work period last night, looking at the reports, the TOTAL SALES was not equal to TOTAL INCOME - i dont know how could this be - pls advise.

mayase's picture
asked on Jan 31, 2014 and it has 10413 views.
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