1 answer

1.Settings -> Printers -> Add Printer,When the custom printer will be used?

ggsnpdsn's picture
asked on Jan 29, 2014 and it has 2066 views.
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1- Start Work Period by Current Date


3-Change The System Time exampl- 01-Sep-13

4-Login and Take Orders and Done Payment

manish.dubey@ibntech.com's picture
asked on Jan 29, 2014 and it has 1967 views.
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1 answer

Our Discounts Rates are not Fixed it Depends on Seasone, Festivals, Weekends, Products Avl and on Selected Customers only, it is anoying to change each time different Rates then apply it.

manish.dubey@ibntech.com's picture
asked on Jan 29, 2014 and it has 2835 views.
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1 answer

I have created  a new screen with grphical tables layout, just wondering how can I make that screen come up in place of "All Tables" screen.

agilani's picture
asked on Jan 28, 2014 and it has 4988 views.
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1 answer

Just wondering how can I deploy custom entity/screens work from a development computer to a production computer.


agilani's picture
asked on Jan 28, 2014 and it has 2775 views.
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0 answers

Hi .. I am planning to use Samba 4 for my restaurant and currently testing its features. Its a great software and very useful. But onething I am unable to see is a customers purchase history.

mughalschopstix's picture
asked on Jan 26, 2014 and it has 2109 views.
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1 answer

Hi, just want to ask whether able to add a line call "Refund" in Work Period Report?

wintkoay's picture
asked on Jan 26, 2014 and it has 2067 views.
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How to add a 10% service charge into every ticket? Please enlighten me please.

Thank you.

shoduken82's picture
asked on Jan 26, 2014 and it has 4923 views.
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6 answers

Hi There

My customers are both English and Thai and my staff all Thai, so I have been experimenting using both language on the POS screens, Tickets and Kitchen Instructions.

outback's picture
asked on Jan 25, 2014 and it has 12283 views.
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2 answers

I am able to create duplicate customers. and when i try to settle a ticket with a customer who is duplicated sambapos crashes.

evail's picture
asked on Jan 24, 2014 and it has 7862 views.
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