1 answers

Hello Samba team,

In V3 When I Close Ticket,After Auto Print Ticket, How Can I Set Close Ticket No Need Print ?Just Only Close Ticket In Pos Screen.


ksgoh7684's picture
asked on Sep 13, 2013 and it has 3515 views.
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I am installing the software onto a German device. I want English language....but it is always switching to German after installation.  Please help me to change language to English. 

Smittz's picture
asked on Sep 11, 2013 and it has 4891 views.
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3 answers

Hello Samba team,

1.Tables no longer change colour when a order is placed.

2.when re-entering the ordering screen, The close button will not close untill another order is placed.

mark@beihai's picture
asked on Sep 11, 2013 and it has 5854 views.
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I'm running SAMBAPOS V2.99 o Windows 7.


1yolo's picture
asked on Sep 10, 2013 and it has 6515 views.
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It would be great if we have the list of variable that can be used to create automation and what syntax to enter ie. do they need : , [ ] , { }.

sukasem's picture
asked on Sep 09, 2013 and it has 6192 views.
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5 answers

Sometimes customer will phone me that they want to researve a table and come to my restaurant at 12:00 clock for example. Customers order menu item after they come to my restaurant.

ShuxingLiu's picture
asked on Sep 09, 2013 and it has 14766 views.
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4 answers

what happen here!

BonVivant's picture
asked on Sep 09, 2013 and it has 3787 views.
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Is it possible to export your entities (customers) with the customfields to a csv-text file so i could use this data in another program?

Regards Ruth

Proeftuin's picture
asked on Sep 08, 2013 and it has 2873 views.
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I'm trying to experiment with some callers ids but so far without any success, I bought some models but none worked, searched the forum about it the more I did not get any results

lernoutmaltas's picture
asked on Sep 08, 2013 and it has 2214 views.
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2 answers

I am setting up customer accounts/ and or loyalty card accounts and I want to give a discount to the drinks only, not the menu items.

outback's picture
asked on Sep 08, 2013 and it has 3899 views.
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